20 July 2011

Two Night Appearance

Hey hey, whatdayaknow Dave from Seattle is still here in Chadron. Met up with him today at the Library. He's trying like mad to get his videos edited and posted on Youtube. For those who missed it in my post down below click here for his channel. There's some great stuff on there.

I thought I'd do a quick photo dump of Chadron stuff and maybe tell a quick story or two:

Riding through forest service land at the Pine Ridge Forest near Chadron...twas HOT.
Hiking through Chadron State Park
Chadron State Park
Chadron State Park


Amy Christensen said...

Glad to see you are using the helmet!

Anonymous said...

ah man. I want to go back. That place is so cool

-Ryo Wyo

SKI said...

Glad I was wearing the helmet this day cause I went over the handlebars and did a face plant on that trail.

Anonymous said...

Do you ever speak with Dave of Three Wheel Journey? He's had no online activity for about three months, and many people are concerned. We would just like to know he's ok.